Thursday, November 6, 2014

Learn As You Go

The base image is one of my favorite drawings that John R. Neill did for the series, the cover to one of Ruth Plumley Thompson's Oz books, Ozoplaning with The Wizard of Oz. Still, I had no idea what I was going to do with it, what keyword it could possibly fit with. Since the characters are clearly looking at something way up in the sky, I decided to go with a vintage celestial theme... and "Apprehension" was the best I could do for the keyword (if any of you have a better idea, please let me know!!). A vintage celestial map and a vintage smiley moon turned out to work nicely, I think... but then came the challenge of taking a full-size golden sextant and turning it into a small silver charm sextant -- and attaching it to a real charm bracelet. This was interesting to say the least and for a while I was confounded by it. But in the end... I think it's close to being right. I decided against any further ornamentation, which I figured would just clutter up an already busy image. Hope you like it.

-- Freder.